Richard is founder and director of Housing dynamics, a venture that offers a distinctive, future facing approach to asset management, repairs and neighbourhoods support for social landlords, contractor service providers, government agencies and professional bodies in the housing sector. Housing dynamics’ work with clients is built around maximising the benefits of collaborative working to rethink, redesign and revolutionise business practices and strategic approaches, with a focus on asset strategy development, repairs and maintenance policy and service reviews and on helping deliver transformational change across neighbourhoods.
Richard draws especially on the wealth of knowledge and expertise he amassed over 10 years as Director of Assets & Neighbourhoods in the consultancy of the Chartered Institute of Housing during which time he led numerous ground breaking, sector led projects including ‘Rethinking Repairs’ and ‘Redefining Asset Management. He uses this experience to help shape and inform his forward thinking work, advising clients on how the rapidly evolving agenda in assets and repairs can be used to develop the very best contemporary services, business products and solutions.
Richard is Chair of the CIH Assets and Repairs Group and was a judge for the UK Housing Awards in 2017 (outstanding approach to repairs and maintenance), . He is also the author of both the Level 2 and Level 3 CIH qualifications in Repairs & Maintenance Services.